Don’t Have Children—If You’re Not Enlightened

Until we are enlightened we must not have children.  We will hurt them and add more wounded people and pollution to an already stressed planet.

The unenlightened, which defines most of us, have children to avoid the most painful and important birth of all—the birth of our inner child who carries the seed of the true self.

We avoid giving birth to ourselves because it is too painful—and instead we procreate, giving birth to another.  Continue reading

Work: Our life’s vocation is to become conscious

We all have work to do beyond our job and career:  it is to become conscious.  As we awaken from the child’s nightmare of despair we begin enlightened living.  As we heal the crippling offenses of the past we become free to develop our gifts—without fear of inner censorship.  Living and working authentically, we discover life’s meaning and make an original contribution to the world through our daily existence and labor.  We help others see the way, and we help life evolve further into consciousness.  This is our true work.

In becoming conscious, we must work to know our story and its implications. Continue reading

Can’t Work?

What if we can’t work?  What if we lose our job, or quit because our job violates our values?  What if we simply have outgrown our job and find that it has become a rut?  What if we need to find more meaningful work?  What if our emotional growth is so intense that it prevents us from working for a while?  What if our process from healing from our traumas is so deep that we are incapacitated?

When we can’t work, we have a job to do.  We must listen to the lesson life is sharing with us during this out-of-work period.  Chances are life is asking us to find a deeper purpose. Continue reading

Gay People’s Purpose: Deviation from the norm is a needed alternative

People with a differing orientation, not only to sex but more importantly to life itself, are a needed alternative in a world stuck in a destructive rut.  Anyone who lives honestly, aligned with truth and with an authentic identity, has differentiated from their trauma-based family and from the conventional norm.  Such people are a great asset in awakening humanity to its deepest purpose.  The gay variation is part of evolution’s quest for truth, a needed difference to redeem the world.

The conventional heterosexual norm remains wedded to denial in the face of a global crisis.  Average people, many of them gay as well—as so many gay people strive to emulate the heterosexual norm—see no problem in becoming parents. Continue reading

The Survival of the Fittest—the Mutant

Life’s deepest purpose is to evolve into consciousness, not to stay stuck in humanity’s futile rut of replicating parochial patterns that pollute and overpopulate the planet.  Evolution’s fittest to fulfill this consciousness-seeking plan are not members of the non-reflective norm.  The fittest is the mutant, any creative outsider, gay or straight, who remains unmarried, childless, and willing to self-reflect.  Continue reading

Why Gay People Are Feared—and Hated

Why do we gay people send such a seismic rumble through society, religion, and our families?  Certainly in such a sexually permissive world as ours, one more variation on a sexual theme shouldn’t be grounds for concern.  So why does being gay cause such negative reactions?

Deviation from gender conformity is the surface source of homophobia in the norm.  The femininity in gay men and the masculinity in lesbians challenge the norm’s strict gender compliance.  But at a deeper level, it is neither gender variation nor even divergent sexual behavior that actually alarms the norm.  Continue reading

When It’s Time to Change

Times of change in our lives can be unnerving.  Sometimes change comes subtly.  We hardly notice things are different until one day we realize our lives no longer make sense.  At other times change can be convulsive and even violent in its turbulent transformation.  We wonder if we’ll survive. Continue reading

When the Time is Right, Live True

When the time is right, we come out and live true—no matter the consequences.  We emerge into the open with our new creation—a new idea, new art, an honest website, a daring scientific hypothesis.  But most importantly, we emerge as a new variation of humanity, aligned with truth.  This is how I define Homo veritas.  With ecological and economic collapse looming, the time for morphing into this new way of being human is quickly becoming a necessity. Continue reading