Why Humanity is Sacred

Our humanity is sacred because of our capacity to interface with truth.

Our true self is that juncture where our human limits interface with the expansiveness of truth.  This juncture is not just a connection with the collective unconscious, the combined, generational experiences of our common humanity that has also settled into our cellular knowing.  Our sacred self is greater than this.

At our core, we connect with something deeper and more profound than human experience—we interface with truth.  The site of this intersection of humanity and truth is sacred—it is our true self, our sacred self.

The Propensity for Violence in the Unhealed

People who have not healed their wounds of childhood have a propensity for violence—and live looking for a fight.  From bickering with a partner to self-destructive behavior to squabbles at work to outright international warfare, all violence stems from adults who have not addressed the wounded child within and instead seek revenge outside.

Only adults who have confronted our parents—either face-to-face, or more essentially, within our psyches—and resolved our childhood rage can approach conflict in a mature manner.  Continue reading

From Homo sapiens to Homo veritas

Currently humanity is undergoing a profound transition.  Our old way of being human, Homo sapiens, is not sustainable.  Ruled by trauma, not truth, Homo sapiens are not capable of acting in their best interest and will self-destruct.

But nature will answer this crisis as it has in the past through the mystery of evolution and a new species is emerging, Homo veritas.  This new species is ruled not by trauma, but by truth.

The 4 types of humans on earth now are as follows.

Homo sapiens are the most populace and are not sustainable.  They number in the billions.  They are ruled by trauma, not truth, and lead destructive lives.

There are 2 transitional types: Rebels and Seekers.  Rebels abhor the destructive ways of the average, but in their reactivity do not envision a new way.  Seekers also see the destructive ways of the norm, but become proactive in healing their traumatic past in order to find a new way.

Finally the new type of human is Homo veritas, ruled by truth, not trauma.  They are the next step in human evolution.  They are sustainable and the hope of the future.

These ideas are more fully explored in my book Field Guide to a New Species—a new, sustainable way to be human.

The Lonely Path

The transition from outer definition to inner truth is a lonely path.

We must leave much behind—including conventional friends and limited family members.  We must also leave behind old definitions of self, constructed and endorsed by the culture.  This too is a great loss.

As outgrown, external structure collapses, out inner structure has a chance to emerge.  But this inner structure is tested to be true.  Can it hold our developing and authentic, sense of self?  Can we shun the noise of the world and its claims of authority in our lives to listen to the subtle voice of truth at our core?  Can we stake our claim in an internal identity, apart from the seductive allure of the external world and the majority that conforms to it?  Can we live from within as the outer world shouts its outrage at our defiance of its supremacy?

It takes great courage to live from within and out of our core of truth.  And the transition from outer definition to inner truth is a lonely path that few travel. That’s why it’s good to listen in quiet reflection to the voice of truth that whispers encouraging words and reassuring support that we are actually not alone at all—but surrounded by universal forces that delight in our daring venture to live out of what’s best in us and best in all reality.  With that realization, even during what feels like our loneliness moment, we see we are not alone, but with the best company of all—our true self and the forces of nature and the universe that delight in our being true.

How Do We Grow?

If we live out of a false self, growth is equated to an increase in grandiosity, to winning the contest of life and accruing more money, power and prestige in a corrupt world.

If we live out of a true self, growth takes on a different meaning.  Growth means an increase in consciousness and self-awareness, an increase in manifesting and refining our individual gifts.

So how do we grow for real?  We can’t get up in the morning and force growth to happen, but we can invite growth into our lives by providing the conditions for growth to occur.

This invitation is analogous to cultivating a seed in a garden.  As part of nature, we must be a viable seed, we must have enough life-force to grow, and we must plant ourselves in a growth inducing environment.

First, the seed of the true self is viable within all of us—that’s the good news.  The bad news for some is that this seed is buried so deep due trauma experienced during childhood and later years that growth seems impossible, if even considered a choice.

Second, we have to want to grow.  The gift of motivation is part of our temperament enhanced by the strength of our life-force.   With a bold temperament and hardy personal-force, we will be motivated to do whatever it takes to grow.

Third, we must plant ourselves in an environment that offers us opportunities to grow.  We must be willing to move away from family and friends that would stunt our growth and thwart the manifestation of our gifts.  We must dare to enter a wilderness, far from the comforts of convention and find a place that values authenticity and our unique gifts.

Remember, as part of nature, we can’t help but grow.  Nature’s intent is to evolve and we humans, as nature’s crowning jewel, are programmed to do just that—grow!

Our Purpose in Life

There is a purpose in life—to evolve to consciousness.  Humans are the crowning jewel of creation and our purpose is to evolve into full self-knowledge.  Our job is to bring the light of truth to all corners of our mind.  No matter how enshrouded our psyches have become in ancestral and familial trauma, we must clear the clutter and see truth.  This profound yearning to know ourselves fully is etched in the psyches of our common humanity.  We all carry this compelling blueprint.

The deepest drives in human nature are not and never were sex and aggression.  Those are but a vestigial link to our animal ancestry.  Continue reading

What is Evolution?

Evolution is the mysterious urge that sparks all of life to grow into increased and more complex form—and ultimately to develop into full consciousness.

We can no longer define evolution as a biological construct dominated by natural selection and survival of the fittest.  With humanity’s enlarged brain and our capacity to seemingly “outsmart” nature at every turn, the biological evolution that was once defined by genetic mutational change occurring over the eons is now defined by human choice. Continue reading

How do we evolve?

We evolve when we honor the expansive urge of truth at our core.  This is our deepest and most natural tendency—to grow beyond ourselves and our families.

In order to grow, we must align with this profound calling.  But there is a price:  we must resolve our traumatic legacy.  We must leave our families and their denial of the wounds we carry.  We must leave their limiting definitions of meaning and safety.  Continue reading

The Earth is Ill

Because of humanity’s collective failure to resolve our traumatic history, we have become emotionally ill as a species.  Out of our minds, we abuse ourselves, others, and sorrowfully our planet home.  The earth is sick because we are sick.  We have asked the planet to absorb our exploitative and poisonous patterns that result from our emotional unbalance.  And this does not work.

As we continuously run from our true selves, we compensate for our emptiness by having children and overpopulating the planet. Continue reading

What is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment, that overused and often distorted word, is the dissolution of the unconscious.  When repressed traumatic memories and events are acknowledged, felt, grieved, and freed—we become enlightened.  Our channel becomes clear so that truth can flow through us.

We’ve all have had moments of enlightenment.  With unusual clarity, we see truth.  The clouds part—and we say ‘aha’! We are at one with all things.  Continue reading