We evolve when we honor the expansive urge of truth at our core. This is our deepest and most natural tendency—to grow beyond ourselves and our families.
In order to grow, we must align with this profound calling. But there is a price: we must resolve our traumatic legacy. We must leave our families and their denial of the wounds we carry. We must leave their limiting definitions of meaning and safety. We must part company with the known and the norm and the poison they unwittingly carry. We must shun the external definitions of identity. We cannot play a role to be true. We must define ourselves by aligning with the truth at our core and grow beyond the attitudes and behavior of our parents and the culture that sustains their denial.
To fail to grow is an aberration, a thwarting of our natural propensity. To fail to grow is a perversion of our natural instincts to be more. This thwarting of our natural urge to evolve is the result of emotional trauma, inflicted during childhood by those who had power over us. These traumas entangle our life force and inhibit our growth. Our inner child remains in shock and terror—daring neither to be true nor creative. When we resolve our traumatic past, we begin to evolve quite naturally as life intended. Our consciousness expands and we know and align with the truth that runs like a river through all that is—including us.
We needn’t invent the capacity to evolve: we either allow it or prevent it. For some, to evolve seems farfetched, which reveals how far we have drifted from our natural purpose and how terrified our inner child has become. The failure to grow depicts the power of convention and highlights the overt or hidden pressure exerted on us by our families to remain obedient, wounded children.