After many years of work on my autobiography, “Born Better,” I have finally finished it and published it. It was a labor of love and soul-searching—and I am proud to be able to share it with the world. It is available on [click here] both as a softcover book and a kindle. I tried to make the price as fair as possible. It is 318 pages long.
I chose the following excerpt from near the end of the book for the back cover, but I feel it suits this page equally well, as it sums up a basic thread in my life:
“As the years go by and I look back, I see that my purpose was always destined to align with life’s evolving purpose. It was so from the very beginning of my existence. I was here to evolve consciousness, starting with my own. I don’t know why I was created this way, I don’t know why I was created to seek as I have done, but I see now that I was. I was impelled to honor my destiny to grow. I was impelled to break out of my childhood family, because I was born better.”
All the best to you,
Fred Timm